- have a small masthead.
- Are in collumn style and text based (no images)
- Have subheadings (outline their opinion)
- Based on current affairs
- Both have 2/3 different articles

Once looking at the differences between the two
we see:
-Guardian is much longer on each article
- Guardian seems much more persuasive in the way it writes.
- Mail seems more brief on what it writes and simply goes over key points
- Title in mail can seem mocking, though Guardian is very formal and to the point.
- Guardian has half the page with the stories, though mail only gets a quarter
- Mai is clearly more opinionated, whereas Guardian gives solid facts.
- Biased for mail reflects its political views. "
- Also the guardian is seen as more factual, though the Mail is more entertaining in the way it is opinionated an controversial.
- The Guardian is better at educating because it is less opinionated, an so it gives more solid facts rather than opinions.
- Identify - being able to recognize the product or person in front of you, role models that reflect similar values to yours, aspirations to be someone else.
- Educate - being able to acquire information, knowledge and understanding.
- Entertain - what you are consuming should give you enjoyment and also some form of 'escapism' enabling us to forget our worries temporarily.
- Social Interaction - the ability for media products to produce a topic on conversation between other people, sparks debates.
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