With this, we firstly see that Topman have used a currently trending and popular B-list celebrity. By using him who has a good physique it attracts people to the brand, as he is associated with it. What we see is the Topman logo is squeezed into the camera shot on the boxers, in order to try and sell not only the aftershave. We can also se how this is targeted to a younger audience by using the hashtag splashed across the front in a bight yellow colour. This would appeal as teens would like to be part of this hashtag and see what everyone else does with it.

Next, we see that H & M had adopted the same idea of using a very famous personality to highlight their underwear. In both the photos lighting has been specially adapted in order to enhance their look. Also, they are seen to be giving across a very aggressive look in order to appear attractive. Upon analysing the black background here, it creates a simplistic and therefore a rather luxurious look. By using very dark colours, it gives across this ora of luxury, which i believe is what they are attempting to give across due to tit being slightly cheaper than other underwear in the market (calvin klien, ralph lauren)

Here, with Versace we see the emphasis is that it takes place on the top of a mountain with three attractive women and a man looking on in the background wearing a suit. We see them wearing very formal wear, aswell as holding onto stylish handbags - clearly what they are mainly trying to promote. The way they are on snow and mountains could refer to possibly the luxury lifestyle of skiing holidays. Another factor of the mountain, is in a way suggesting the brands status - as if it is above all the others.

Once looking at the high end brand of Gucci, we see it relates much more to the likes of Versace as opposed to the cheaper brands. In Gucci we again see the models are all dressed incredibly formal yet trendy, and seem to appear in a idilic location. The man is stood in almost a suggestive position whilst he looks down at the woman, and she shows off the gucci bag and the fur coat.

In this, we see the emphasis is on the fact that this brand uses 'organic fairtrade cotton'. It is much unlike the other adverts, as it doesn't include attractive models and just simply the clothes. Also, we see it has a simple background and even the writing used isn't trying to look so professional, it is almost quite comical possibly in order to appeal to older people.
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