Monday 2 October 2017

Task 2:
"Teenagers pee-sized brains"
"Teenagers are going to school high on drugs or on a comedown, worrying report shows"

"Classroom horror as Indian teenage pupil pulls handgun from his backpack and SHOOTS another schoolboy in front of terrified students"
"Russian teenager becomes latest victim of Blue Whale suicide craze"

"Why teenagers should never get drunk: Excessive booze thins developing brains and may increase their risk of alcoholism"

"Teenagers pee-sized brains"

To begin with, this article depicts the teens as following common stereotypes and so goes on to say how "Teenagers are physically capable of getting out of bed, but their brain stalls in neutral and they just lie there like zombies, staring up at the ceiling." This therefore shows that teenagers are being stereotyped as lazy and even goes on to say that they won't even get out of bed which is clearly over exaggerated. In my opinion, i believe that what this article states is truly unfair due to the fact that what information they have acquired is very exaggerated, though also it doesn't apply for teens as a collective because many are not like that. Overall then, this article is very false in what it states which leads the public into believing it due to their high news status. 

"Teenagers spend the equivalent of more than 40 full days a year looking at their mobile phones"

Firstly, this article touches on a very common topic about teenagers and how their use of mobile phones is rapidly increasing. This article once again stereotypes teenagers as being rather lazy and also stereotypes teenagers on how they must not be able to do daily tasks without their phone, and so as they are a teenager they aren't as smart as teenagers in other generations. At the start of the article it states "The average teen spends nearly 41 days of the year glued to their mobile – or two hours and 40 minutes a day, research has discovered." The way they put it into specific figures is used to portray a negative view on teenagers phone use and the word "glued" is used to also exaggerate it and make it worse. I believe that the mail have touched on this subject as it is easy to work on because it is currently something people talk about, though what they fail to do is compare it to the mobile phone use of adults; who most likely use the phones a comparable amount. 

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To begin with, with this cover we see that a full body shot is used off Paddington where he is carrying a bag and waving out. This is firstl...